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Anger Management, Aggression, and Violence

Our anger, aggression, and violence resources focus on successfully managing internal and external triggers, feelings of anger, and issues of aggression or violence.

The 10-session units listed below are shaped for successful implementation in an open group/open admissions format, and form the basis for core community programming, mental health facilities, community agencies,mental health providers, probation, and community programs ncluding IOPs and EOPs.

Fighting and violence

Goals: (1) Reduction in assault and acting out behaviors. (2) Success in handling feelings from specific problem situations. (3) Movement to Contemplation stage of change. (4) Increased confidence in anticipation of specific high risk or problem situations (SCQ).
Table of Contents in PDF


The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms and trigges to anger. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management.

Goals: (1) Increased understanding and successful management of angry feelings. (2) Success in handling angry feelings from specific problem situations. (3) Demonstrated understanding of specific anger issues (CBT). (4) Movement to Contemplation stage - awareness, understanding, insight, acceptance.
Table of Contents in PDF

Managing aggression and violence (skills version)

Increased self-awareness and self-management through improved interpersonal and self-management skills. Skills development resource - with complete lesson plans, worksheets and participant activities.
Table of Contents in PDF


This 50-session program addresses increased self-awareness and improved self-management/stress management skills. Lessons are fully scripted, including complete lesson plans, worksheets and participant activities.
Table of Contents in PDF

Stress Management

Strongly recommend as part of a comprehensive conflict reduction model.
Table of Contents in PDF

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