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Aftercare and Transition

These community programs are designed to prepare participants for successful release and community reintegration. From substance abuse to mental health to relapse prevention/intervention, these easy-to-implement, often lesson-based programs address the critical issues in making the transition back to the community.

Pre-Release/Community Reintegration Units.

We have a wealth of workbooks, individual lessons, and packaged 10-session units in our Pre-Release/Community Reintegration series. We specialize in helping select and shape these resources to fit specific program needs.

The PDF flyer in the link below describes our flexible open group/open admissions 10-session units complete with focused session openers and summary resources. These flexible units address important reintegration issues in planning for a good life, key recovery topics, and provide guidance for dealing with family and friends.


Open To Change

This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Each module presents a mini-journey through the stages of change, starting out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ending with Action Planning resources. Participants may enter the program at any point, with Pre-Contempltion resources just around the corner! Available in adult, juvenile, and female versions.

Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.

The Bridge mental health program.

Like OPEN TO CHANGE, this flexible program features 10-session modules in up to 6 units. It offers a solid, CBT-based approach for mentally ill participants, enhanced with selected Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools, DBT elements, and critical coping skills.

Click here to download a PDF flyer with complete details.

Relapse Prevention Modules.

Four easy to use, flexible open group/open admissions modules focused on relapse prevention! Ideal for use in an IOP or EOP.

Click here to download a PDF flyer with contents of the modules.

Gender-Specific Programming for Females

Over 800 hours of programming just for females! Here are just two examples:

  • OPEN TO CHANGE FOR WOMEN. This flexible, open group/open admissions program is available in a female version that speaks to the unique experience of women and substance abuse.

    Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.

  • Special Topics For Women. A number of resources that address women's specific and unique pathways into crime!

    Click here for detailed information about these unique program resources.
  • A New Freedom • © 1995-2025 A. R. Phoenix Resources, Inc. • 212.462.3055 • All Rights Reserved • Any questions? Contact us!