Resources For Juvenile Probation And Community Programs
Our latest resources for Community Programs for at-risk youth, young people on probation, alternative schools, and gang prevention/intervention programs!
We offer a wide variety of juvenile material in use in all 50 states, from materials addressing the delinquency risk factors of high-risk youth, to substance abuse, to gang and violence intervention! Here are just a few examples of the lesson-based change programs we offer:
- Community Programs.We provide a broad range of resources to support juvenile probation and diversion programs, alternative schools, community services/community programs, as well as post-release programming from residential placements. Program options range from individual workbooks and counseling resources, to class and group models, through materials to support long-term intensive supervision. Issues addressed include high risk behaviors, gang involvement, substance abuse and general delinquency. All materials are provided in PDF format, and affordable multiple site licenses can be arranged.
We specialize in tailoring models to address your desired outcomes, specific risk levels, and specific needs.
We also specialize in developing models which address these needs across multiple tpes of sites and populatoins. For illustration, please see the model we developed for statewide application across the Georgia juvenile justice system.
Click here for an Excel spreadsheet of the Georgia Community Model - OPEN TO CHANGE Juvenile Risk Factors/Substance Abuse Treatment.This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Each module presents a mini-journey through the stages of change, starting out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ending with Action Planning resources. Participants may enter the program at any point
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program. - Delinquency Risk Factors for High Risk Youth.These three 10-session units include elements of motivational interviewing (MI) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), as well as analysis of external and internal risk factors, the development of key coping and refusal skills, and the development of a safety net.
Download a PDF file with more information. - Risks & Decisions.This flexible, open group program presents 30 lessons organized around groups of risk factors. Each lesson is fully scripted to model exactly how to present each lesson. Several lessons include DVD-based material. Role plays, skill building, and more! Available in both male and female versions as well as residential and community versions.
Click here for a PowerPoint presentation about this targeted resource.
Click here for a full Table of Contents - DVD-based Youth Gang Intervention Resource Model.This unique resource features video clips of incarcerated youth discussing their involvement in crime and gang activity, their risk factors, and how they see their futures.
Download a PDF file with more information. - Female Programming. Core programs, trauma-informed issue-specific overlays, substance abuse, behavioral health, and young women's pathways to offending and desistence.
Click here for detailed information. - PNF 100 hour Gang Intervention Curriculum.100 one-hour lessons organized into five 20-lesson books to be done sequentially in a closed group. Designed to reduce resistance to behavioral change and decrease antisocial behaviors, including gang activity, while increasing linkage to protective factors and pro-social elements. A proven effective gang intervention!!
Download a PDF flyer with complete information.
Download a Powerpoint Presentation of the program
Download the Logic Model for the program - Mental Health/Behavioral Health and Dual Diagnosis.Comprehensive resources complete with counselor's tools, client and counselor worksheets, MI elements, and workbooks. Open group/Open admissions 10-session Topical Mental Heath resources include Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Anger, and Aggression/Violence
Click here for detailed information.
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