Programs for Residential and Community Behavioral Health Services.
Improve the quality of your treatment and gain peace of mind
that effective, readily documentable treatment will
be taking place!
Phoenix/New Freedom Programs offers a force-multiplier
for providers of behavioral health services. From
workbooks to individual one-hour lessons to in-cell resources, we can
provide a full range of programming to fit your specific needs and
All our materials feature outcome-driven, proven-effective
content built on a rock-solid CBT base with MI tools
integrated throughout. Everything is delivered in a carefully
structured approach that helps ensure successful treatment
that you can document. Some of our capacity-building program
packages include:
Substance Abuse
This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Each module presents a mini-journey through the stages of change, starting out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ending with Action Planning resources. Participants may enter the program at any point, with Pre-Contempltion resources just around the corner! Available in adult, juvenile, and female versions.
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
Abuse Aftercare — We have
hundreds of hours of CBT-based, MI-infused workbooks that cover all
aspects of transition and relapse prevention. Ideal to follow up on
residential or intensive outpatient treatment, and provide seamless
continuity of care.
[Download a PDF
file listing of our Returning Home and Relapse Prevention resources]
Behavioral Health
The Bridge
—Designed initially to provide residentially-based cognitive behavioral therapy in mental observation
units at Riker’s Island Jails in NYC, this flexible, modular program offers a solid, CBT-based approach
for mentally ill participants, enhanced with selected Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools, DBT
elements, and critical coping skills.
The Bridge features a core of 40 sessions, divided into four 10-session units, and two 10-session
mental health relapse prevention units for a total of 60 hours. An additional 12-session Managing
Aggression and Violence element is also provided, making a program total of 72 hours of
Each themed unit provides a brief stages-of-change based approach, sequentially addressing
precontemplation, contemplation, and key preparation/determination action steps. Shaped for this
population, they provide structure for staff, address key treatment outcomes, and include summary
elements within the curriculum to support program documentation. A critical advantage of this
modular approach is that it provides a high quality outcome-focused resource without mandating a
closed group programming model. This approach is designed to support both in-facility and
community programming.
[Download a PDF flyer with more details!]
Dual Diagnosis
A true Dual Diagnosis program featuring parallel substance abuse and mental health tracks that may be led by separate staff (substance abuse and mental health) - or by same staff member:The core program is three (3) ten-hour units from the substance abuse resources and three (3) ten-hour units from the mental health resources. Extended program models available.
Critical combined session achieves specific behaviorally-stated objectives integrated to support individual treatment plans. Resources provide the critical demonstration of achievement of objectives for clinical supervision, program documentation, and assessment of outcomes.
[Download a PDF flyer with complete details!]
Topical Mental Health Resources
We offer a variety of special 10-sessison units covering key behavioral health issues:- Anger-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms and triggers to anger. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a PDF flyer with complete details! - Anxiety-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms relating to anxiety. Additionally, the unit addresses feelings of guilt and shame. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management, especially anxiety. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a PDF flyer with complete details! - Depression-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms relating to sadness and depression. Additionally, the unit addresses grief, loss, loneliness, and boredom. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a PDF flyer with complete details! - Trauma-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness, insight, and more effective self-management of the impact of distressful life experiences, such as past traumatic events. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by distress tolerance, affect regulation, and coping skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit includes multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a PDF flyer with complete details!
More Information
If you have any questions about product, pricing, or how we can customize our materials for you, feel free to contact us by e-mail. If you are considering placing an order, please fill out our phone consultation form.