Treatment Plan Overviews: Domestic Violence
Part of our behavioral health resources, this is a broad overview of our treatment plan for the treatment of domestic violence (see our material for girls and young women). Age- and gender-specific resources are available for adults and juveniles (males and females). For more information, feel free to contact us or fill out our phone consultation form.
A three-part workbook-based program designed to help incarcerated young women break the cycle of violence and abuse.
#1 Increasing personal awareness. The first workbook identifies the common issues and problems in domestic violence. A primary objective is to address denial of the issue - or its seriousness - by its victims. This workbook uses comprehensive worksheets and checklists to help participants identify and understand the physical, sexual, verbal and emotional violence they have experienced. It also helps them understand why they remained in abusive relationships.
#2 Becoming less vulnerable to domestic violence. The second workbook helps identify and address some of the most common underlying vulnerabilities in women who are in abusive or dysfunctional relationships. It addresses the costs and consequences of being in an unhealthy relationship, identifies healthy and unhealthy elements, and some of the characteristics of the abusive or controlling male. This workbook provides suggestions for healing personal areas of vulnerability and initiates the action planning process.
#3 Your safety is your business. The third workbook develops a comprehensive individual-specific action plan for preventing future relationship difficulties. It helps identify the progressive nature of these behaviors, the reasons why she may need to get away from an abusive or threatening situation, and helps identify issues in her own thinking relating to the abusive relationship. Templates identify specific areas of personal strength which may help her in difficult times. Finally, the workbook guides the development of a list of specific helpful resources, the implementation of a personal safety net," and a detailed individual-specific "emergency" safety plan, including issues relating to her children, employment, court appearances, and protection orders.
See Also
The following pages may also be helpful:
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Anger/Aggression/Violence Resources — Aggression and Violence, an extensive workbook-based resource, and Managing Your Anger, based on individual skill-building lessons, support programs up to 120 hours in length. [more]
Phone Consultation Form — fill out this form if you are interested in purchasing our treatment programs. [more]