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Comprehensive, flexible, and cost-effective community-based substance abuse and behavioral health treatment curriculum resources.
- Topics include Substance Abuse and Recovery, Stress Management, Anger Management, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Dual Diagnosis, Vocational Training, Life Skills and many more.
- Significant drug and alcohol resources for recovery programs.
- All workbooks are based on evidence-based concepts of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model (TTM), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness, the Social Learning Model, and key coping and problem solving skills for both positive social development and relapse prevention (self-efficacy).
- Resources include gender-specific materials for women, and over 60 workbooks are available in Spanish. Adult and juvenile resources also available.
- We can provide resoures to match your organization's needed ASAM levels.
- Insight and Outlook workbooks can be a great addition to a current curriculum, or contact us to help you create a custom curriculum at no extra cost.
Our resources address the most critical personal, environmental, and community risk factors, and build on the most important protective factors and assets. The workbooks are easy to implement by professionals, paraprofessionals, and others. These workbooks assist staff and clients in identifying specific issues and developing concrete alternatives.
Program Areas
Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery Support Resources — OPEN TO CHANGE, our flexible, open group/open admissions substance abuse program presents up to six 10-session modules. Each module starts out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ends with Action Planning resources - a sequential approach to motivation which addresses key concepts in substance abuse treatment and relapse prevention.
This comprehensive open group program package available in both adult male, adult female, and juvenile versions features a creative new approach: participants can be added to the group at any point, while the outcome-driven model provides structure and support for individual progress and change.
Click here for more information on OPEN TO CHANGE.
Community Providers — We offer a wealth of resources covering Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Relapse Prevention and more for Community Providers. Programs are available for adults and juveniles (including at-risk and delinquent youth), as well as gender-specific programming for females.
Click here for more information on programs for Community Proividers.
Behavioral Health and Dual Diagnosis — Phoenix/New Freedom Programs offers a force-multiplier for providers of behavioral health services. From workbooks to individual one-hour lessons to in-cell resources, we can provide a full range of programming to fit your specific needs and dosage. All our materials feature outcome-driven, proven-effective content built on a rock-solid CBT base with MI tools and DBT skills elements integrated throughout. Everything is delivered in a carefully structured approach that helps ensure successful treatment that you can document.
Click here for more information on programs for Behavioral Health and Dual Diagnosis.
Veterans Court — A variety of unique programs dealing with the issues and realities Veterans will face in the community. Many of the units include Veteran-specific material, including 4 units designed specifically for Veterans. Other resources include Substance Abuse, Anger/Aggression/Violence, and Behavioral Health.
Click here for more information on programs for Veterans.
Anger/Aggression/Violence Resources — Our anger, aggression, and violence resources focus on successfully managing internal and external triggers, feelings of anger, interpersonal communication skills, and issues of aggression or violence. The 10-session units are shaped for successful implementation in an open group/open admissions format, and form the basis for core community programming, mental health facilities, community agencies, mental health providers, probation, community programs, and more.
Click here for more information on Anger/Aggression/Violence Resources.
Spanish Language Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Programs —Spanish language resources includes key elements to prepare participants for intervention programming, significant gang intervention program resources, a core program based on CBT and problem solving skills, and a comprehensive transition resource for returning to the community. Nearly 60 resources provide a comprensive program in Spanish. Program length can range up to 300 program sessions.
Click here for more information on Spanish Resources.
Mental Health Facilities — Substance Abuse, Behavioral Health, Dual-Diagnosis, Topical Mental Health, Functional Behavior, and workbook-based resources to improve the quality of your treatment and be sure that effective, readily documentable treatment will be taking place.
Click here for more information on resources for Mental Health Facilities.
Juvenile Resources — resources for community programs for at-risk youth, young people on probation,alternative schools, and gang prevention/interventionprograms.
Click here for more information on juvenile resources.
Aftercare and Transition — These community programs are designed to prepare participants for successful release and community reintegration. From substance abuse to mental health to relapse prevention/intervention, these easy-to-implement, often lesson-based programs address the critical issues in making the transition back to the community!
Click here for more information on Aftercare and Transition resources.
Life Skills — Our Life Skills Curriculum covers a wide array from coping skills and communication skills to vocational readiness, stress management, anger management and money management.
These resources provide comprehensive programs for adults and juveniles to develop skills for daily living. The curriculum is designed to address critical life and lifestyle issues. The overall objective is to help participants improve their general health and happiness as functioning members of society.
Click here for more information on Life Skills.
Probation and Courts — We offer a wealth of resources for Probation and Courts including Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Relapse Prevention and more. Programs are available for adults and juveniles (including at-risk and delinquent youth), as well as gender-specific programming for females.
Click here for more information on programs for Community Proividers.